Wednesday, March 31, 2010

June/July 2008-things are getting worse

I started to keep a spreadsheet to document the sz's that Michael was having...we were calling the neuro ward almost daily at Children's hospital to keep them updated with our documentation.

While driving home toward the end of June we were on the interstate 25 when Michael had a grand-mal sz. I was driving-my wife was screaming to pull over-I was yelling at Briana (10 yr old) to time the sz and then yelling at my wife that we were 5 minutes from St. Anthony's...I got off the highway and pulled into the ER entrance of St. Anthony's...we decided not to go in-we were dealing with it. He was breathing again.

From July 4th - July 12th: Micahel was having about 15-20 sz's per day...those were the ones we it was probably more. He was having drop attacks were he would just fall to the ground, as well as absense sz's were he would just "zone out."

The neuro team was concerned and wanted him back in for another EEG on 7/14.

That morning 7/14, I was helping him brush his hair and teeth and he had a sz. I literally caught him in my arms as he fell. He stopped breathing for about 20-30 seconds, we put him on his side and watched...he was blue...but started to breath again within 20 seconds or so. Took him to his EEG appt in the am.

Dr. from Children's called back that afternoon...his EEG had changed. The Dr was a little vague. I asked alot of questions-eventually the Dr told me that based on his various sz activity, this put Michael in another class of epliepsy.

July 15th: Got the call from the chief at Children's-his Dx: Doose Syndrome / MAE.

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